Banking & Finance
CPA, partner in the Financial Cluster. Mr. Shif has over 14 years of experience in auditing and business consulting. Since joining the Firm, Mr. Shif has been engaged in auditing, internal auditing, preparation of financial statements, taxation and business consulting. In addition, he has been guiding banks, public companies and private companies in various and diverse business sectors. Mr. Shif specializes in accounting audits and consulting to leading banks that are audited by the Firm, as well as in consulting and assisting the implementation of the Directives of the Supervisor of Banks relating to the application of Sections 404 and 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Mr. Shif also provides internal audit outsourcing services to banks.
Mr. Shif holds a BA in Business Administration, Accounting and Finance and an LLM degree.