Defense Offset

India is considered to be one of the leading markets for the Israeli defense industry.

Defense trade volumes with India are gradually increasing. Major contracts signed in recent years with the “Big 4” on numerous development projects.

India have generated defense offset debts – a fact that obligates all four integrators to place orders with local manufacturers engaged in joint ventures with Israeli enterprises.

These debts, coupled with changes in defense offset policy, open a new window of opportunities for Israeli companies wishing to take part in the game.


Over the past five years BDO-I2I has achieved a leading position in consulting both Israeli and Indian firms on various India’s Defense Offset activities. Today we offer the following services:

  • Analysis of needs and opportunities for the customer in Defense Offset.
  • Creating cross border Defense Offset Joint Ventures, including locating the potential partner and leading the deal till closure.
  • Leading Defense Offset related Transfer of Technology and other non-equity offset related transactions.
  • These services could be offered to both Indian defense related companies as well as to other geographies where there are companies in a need to fulfil India’s offset requirements.

For more information on the Indian-Israeli Defense industries trade relations in general and on the Offset requirements and opportunities in particular click here